A Nation of Wimps??
It seems like there is always some sort of discussion about how the decisions we are making today are either benefiting or harming the generations of the future. As teachers we must realize that our daily actions ARE influencing future generations. It seems like there are endless examples of conflicts and points of discussion:
Do we teach facts/numbers/terms or responsibility/respect/skills or can we teach both...
Do teachers or parents teach morals and ethics...
If the old way of doing things was good enough for us as students why are we always changing things...
Should we treat all students the same (honors/basic skills/AP/cosmetolegy school)...
I think it is important as a teacher and as a role model to our students that we always have an open mind when it comes to issues like these. It is imperative that we always investigate all sides of an issue. On that note, I found the following article about how parents go to extremes to protect and give shortcuts to their children. The article discusses how this influences later social, academic and general life skills. It's a fairly short read and there is a link at the bottom to a printer-friendly version if you enjoy killing trees.
Any thoughts???
I want to responds to that great first question, "Do we teach facts/ numbers/ terms or responsibility and can we teach both?"
Like many other days, I had a student today ask me if he could turn in his homework late because he forgot about it. I would love for him to do it late because I feel the assignments I create are valuable. I also want this student to experience success in my class. If I felt his excuse merited an extension, I would be happy to provide that for him. However, it is my personal feeling that by saying yes every time he "forgets", I am communicating a message to him that enables his irresponsible behavior.
If every teacher said yes to that question, it is probable that this student would leave high school believing that in college and in his future career pursuits, deadlines are irrelevant.
I think that giving him the tools to be successful later in his life is a skill much more important than that of differentiating between different types of satire.
I think we can certainly strike a balance between teaching life and teaching concepts, but occasionally, one has to win out over the other.
Perhaps Tony Winger will help you think about this quetion when discuss the pupose of assessment,grades and homewrk in our next induction meeting. What is our purpose as teachers: to teach only compliance and discipline and /or knowledge and skills? Please check out your assignment for next time. I enjoyed seeing your thinking about this.
Very interesting article (especially considering I'm an overprotective parent of a 5-year old). There was one claim you might investigate further, however, the one about grade inflation. You might read this article to see what research has to say about grade inflation.
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